
Creating and Protecting Value through Sustainability

KKR’s focus on sustainability is rooted in our commitment to value creation and value protection. The ways we integrate sustainability into our investment and business activities — how and where we invest, how we support our companies, and how we operate as a business — are built around being fiduciaries and working to deliver long-term value for our clients. By doing this work, we strive to support the financial well-being of the tens of millions of people who rely on us.

Our Approach to Sustainable Investing

ESG Integration

Investing responsibly by understanding material business relevant environmental, social, governance considerations throughout the investment process to mitigate risk and create value, including during due diligence, decision making, and management practices, as appropriate.


Working with portfolio companies to mitigate risk and future-proof performance in areas that can create and protect long-term value such as employee engagement, energy efficiency, cybersecurity, and others.

Investing Behind Trends

Investing behind sustainability-related trends with macro tailwinds, such as the energy transition, supply chain resiliency, circularity, and workforce development.


Stakeholder Engagement

2022 Sustainability Report

Looking back at 2022, we believe that the growth of our firm, the diversification of our investments, and our sustainability ambitions have positioned us for success in support of our mission to create and protect value for KKR’s stakeholders, including our clients, shareholders, employees, and communities at large.

  • 12
    Years of publicly reporting KKR’s sustainability efforts
  • $ 40B
    Committed to sustainability-focused investments since 2010*

* Includes investments made from 2010 to December 31, 2022 by KKR funds and co-investors, Global Atlantic (KKR subsidiary), and syndicated co-investments. For more detail on calculation methodologies, refer to the Endnotes of the 2022 Sustainability Report.