Chresten Knaff
Chresten Knaff (London) joined KKR in 2014 and leads the Technology industry team within the firm’s European Private Equity platform. He currently serves on the Board of Directors at apexanalytix, Exact, Körber Supply Chain Software, mdf Commerce, OverDrive, and Simon & Schuster. Mr. Knaff has been involved in a number of other KKR investments, including ASG Technologies, BMC, Box, Calabrio, Epicor, Jitterbit, Lyft, Mitchell International, RBmedia, Sungard Data Systems, Teaching Strategies and TherapyBrands. Prior to joining KKR, Mr. Knaff worked at The Blackstone Group. Mr. Knaff holds a B.S., magna cum laude, in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania.